Hey! I’m Luisana Lopilato.

Always passionate for what I do

I was born in Buenos Aires, on May 18, 1987. I grew up in a neighborhood known as Parque Chás and was raised in a beautiful Argentinian family of which I feel deeply proud: Betty, my mother, and Eduardo, my father, both from whom I learnt the values of respect, patience and the knowledge that I should work hard for what I longed for. And my dearest brother and sister, my greatest references: Darío, also an actor, and Daniela a medical doctor specialized in nutrition.

As you all know, I feel a great passion for what I do. I began working while being very young, at the age of 5 and since then until today I have always known that this was what I wanted to do during my whole life.

I became known to the audience when I started appearing on television in Argentine soap operas, our “Telenovelas”, by the hand of the well-known producer, Cris Morena, and since then onwards I did lots of things, most of them only enhanced the love I feel for the world of arts: television, movies, music and theatre.

Since 2009 I’ve been an Ambassador for the brand L’Oreal París and I currently combine the love I have for my profession with my vocation as a mother. I am married to Michael Bublé, the love of my life and by far my favorite singer. Life blessed us with four wonderful children: Noah, Elías, Vida and Cielo. I´m a full time Mom and that is the role I most enjoy in my everyday life. Both my families in Argentina and Canada are the engine that keeps me moving on day on, day out.

These days, I not only strive to enhance my talents, but I also pursuit a huge target, to keep on building a close relationship with my audience for they are the ones who manifest their love and support to me every day.

Be my guests to my Multimedia section in my web, where you will be able to know in deep all my various tasks. 


apasionada por todo lo que hago

Nací en Buenos Aires, un 18 de Mayo de 1987. Me crié  y crecí en el barrio de Parque Chás, en el núcleo de una hermosa familia Argentina de la cual me siento profundamente orgullosa: mi mamá Betty y papá Eduardo, de quienes aprendí los valores del respeto, la paciencia y a trabajar duro por lo que uno quiere. Y mis queridos hermanos, mis grandes referentes: Darío, quien también es actor, y Daniela que es médica nutricionista.

Como saben, siempre fui una apasionada por lo que hago. Empecé mi carrera a muy temprana edad, actuando a los 5 años, y desde ese momento hasta el día de hoy, supe que era lo que quería hacer de mi vida.

El público me conoció cuando empecé a aparecer en la televisión en las tiras argentinas de la mano de la reconocida productora Cris Morena, y de ahí en adelante hice muchas cosas que no hicieron más que fomentar el amor que siento por el mundo del arte: la televisión, el cine, la música y el teatro.

Desde 2009 soy embajadora de la marca L’Oreal París, y en la actualidad combino mi pasión por mi profesión con mi vocación de madre. Estoy casada con Michael Bublé, el amor de mi vida y mi cantante favorito. La vida nos bendijo con cuatro hijos maravillosos: Noah, Elías, Vida y Cielo. Soy mamá full time y es el papel que más disfruto en mi vida diaria. Mi familia en Argentina y en Canadá son el motor para seguir adelante cada día.

En estos tiempos, no sólo busco perfeccionar mis talentos, sino que uno de mis grandes objetivos es seguir construyendo mi relación de cercanía con mi público, el cual cada día me demuestra todo su cariño y apoyo.

Los invito a ver la sección de Multimedia de mi web, donde van a poder conocer en mayor profundidad todos mis trabajos.


From a young age, I discovered my greatest passion: acting—bringing stories to life that move, inspire, and leave a lasting impression. With a career spanning film, television, and theater, I’ve had the privilege of portraying characters that have challenged me and helped me grow, both as an artist and as a person.

My work has taken me to international stages, allowing me to collaborate with incredible talents and be part of projects that have shaped my journey. As an ambassador for iconic brands, I’ve found a way to merge my love for acting with fashion and beauty, sharing my authentic vision and dedication to excellence with the world.

Beyond my career, my greatest pride is my family and my faith. I believe that everything I’ve achieved is a blessing, guided by God, who lights my path and gives me the opportunity to do what I love. I’m grateful for every step of this journey and, above all, for those who support me with their love and unwavering encouragement.

Welcome to my world, where every day is a new story waiting to be told.

Come join me and be part of this adventure!

Actriz, modelo.

® Luisana Lopilato 2025

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